Friday, February 27, 2015

February Extra Blog Post

 This month I have been busy getting on track with my Senior Project. I've worked on my Independent Component One this month which helped me a tremendous amount with my project. It really showed me what some of the best ways are as to how a History Teacher can effectively teach his class. I've been thinking about what I can do for my 2nd Independent Component. Since the idea of taking a college class didn't work out, I've had a couple of other ideas. One such idea is to make a 10 minute film in which I interview various History Teachers at my place of mentor ship and ask them why they think History is important and should be learned. I will then go to Historical museums and ask guests and/or curators if they think History is important and I will then ask random people if  they can answer some simple history questions. If they can answer them, then Kudos. If not, then shame on them. If they cant answer even the simplest questions then this will just strengthen my argument as to why History is important and why everyone should learn it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blog 16: Answer 2

1. What are the best ways a History Teacher can effectively teach his class?

2. One of the best ways a HistoryTeacher can effectively teach his class is through enthusiasm.

3. One of the best ways a History Teacher can effectively teach his class is showing your students the importance of History.

4.  A)It is important because people can at least know the basic History of there state and/or country
     B)You can appreciate all the sacrifices people have made before to get to this point in time and how the world came to be due to the past historical events.
     C)History is very important to learn, as a world leader you should know past events so that you may not repeat them.

5.Fowley, Howard. "Teaching in the 21 st Century." LA LA Times Newspaper. 3 Mar 2010. Web. 10 Sep 2014.

6. Jason Alenko. "The Right Way to Teach History." Washington Post. The Washinton Post, 5 Nov. 2012. Web. 16 Jan. 2015.

7. With History we are the past, present, , future, good, and bad, we are history, and we continue making it everyday, its important know all of these wonderful things.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Independent Component 2 Approval

1. For my 30 Hours I plan to take a History Course at Citrus College.

2. I will meet the 30 hours by attending the class and providing a transcript at a later date as proof that I did it.

3. This will help with my Senior Project because it will show me how History is taught on the college level and I can see how the professor teaches his class of bored college students and makes sure the material he's teaching retains in their minds. I can then take this knowledge and apply it at my mentor ship.

4 I have added a log thingy slot for my Independent Component 2 on my hours log.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Blog 14: Independant Component 1

  • Literal                                                                                                     
  •  - "I, Alonso Villanueva, affirm that I completed my Independant Component which                       represents 30 hours of work."                                                                                                    -
  • A source that really helped me with my Independant Component was Teaching What               Really Happened: How To Avoid The Tyranny Of Textbooks And Get Students Excited           About Doing History By  Author James Loewen.                                                                         The Link to My Senior Project Hours Is To the Right                                                                 
  • For my Independent Component One I assisted my mentor with her teaching of lesson               plans over the course of the Quarter. I helped plan her lessons, assisted her with helping             the students with their classwork and in-class projects, helped her out with grading papers,         and sometimes I just sat at the back of the class and observed her class like I was a student         there to see how she brings life to the classroom and makes her History Class students               engaged and focused. 
  • Interpretive                                                                                                                                              
  • Once or twice a week for about 2 Hours I go to Walnut Grove Intermediate School in                 West Covina. This was the middle school I actually attended. At my mentorship I am                 Teacher Assistant for Britt Linke, she is the 8th Grade Honors Social Studies Teacher                 there. Over the course of these past two months I learned a lot about how a History                     Teacher can best effectively teach their class, it has been extremely helpful with my                   Senior Project. 
                              The Visitor Badge I am required to wear at all times when I check in at the                                                       Front Office of the middle school.

    Myself Taking Awkward Pictures of the Middle School I mentor at.
                                             This book was my go to and most helpful source in my project
  • Applied
             -Before this component, I had no idea how to even to teach in a classroom environment. Especially an American History one, since most of the people I know list History as one of their least favorite subjects. Through this component I learned how much work it takes to be a great teacher like my mentor, the amount of work she puts in to her lesson plans and projects is amazing. She ensures each one of the activities is fun while also teaching something related to the chapter the students are on, I learned what works best when getting your students engaged and focused on what you're teaching. One method that my mentor uses a lot is to get on the students level and be their "friend". Of course there is an exception to this, if you take it too far the students will just disregard your authority and not respect you as an instructor. I learned when its appropriate to be a teacher and a friend to the students when teaching American History.