Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blog 10-EQ

1. I've reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.

2. A) Yes, I feel this EQ meets all of the requirements for the rule of three.
    B) No, the only problem with this EQ is the wording. It could have been worded better. Other than
         that, everything else is good.

    C) No, I feel this EQ cannot be simply researched and that it would all be opinionated for specific

    D)Yes, even though it might be simple it works.

3. What are the most important factors for a History Teacher to successfully teach and engage his/her students?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blog 9: Lesson 1 Reflection

1. I am most proud of the research examples I had because I think they really strengthened the point I was trying to make which was, "why is history important?"
2. I would give myself a AP/ P
3. I think I deserve this because although I was really nervous when I first got up in front of class, I think I the end I pulled it together and my presentation overall was decent.
4. I would go back in time and make sure I wasn't nervous and would have better paced myself on each section when I would present.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

October Extra Blog Post

Recently the students at my mentorship have been learning about the Civil War. They're learning about what events led up to the Civil War, what major battles occurred, and the outcome of the United States once this bloody conflict was over. This is all very interesting and neat, but what they are really looking forward to is that once the are done with the Unit. They get to do a Civil War reenactment, in which they invite Civil War Reenactors to the school and they teach the students what it was like to be a soldier on the Union or Confederate side. Even I myself am looking forward to this. I can't wait

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component Approval

1.For my 30 hours I plan to take over my mentor's History class for a day and teach her students a section of the Unit of history they are on. I will plan the lesson and activity and teach the class for the day. Of course, I won't be doing it all by myself. My mentor can assist me in planning the lesson and provide guidance/tips when needed. If I struggle at all during the actual teaching my mentor will right next to me to help and push me forward with the teaching.

2. I will have my mentor take pictures/video of me teaching her class, and the powerpoint of the lesson I taught to the students.

3. This will help me explore my topic as it will help me learn and feel what its like to be a history teacher and what is the best way for a History Teacher to engage the students to focus on myself and  the lesson I will be teaching.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Additional Blog Post

Over the past couple weeks at my mentorship, the students have been learning about the American Revolution. During this time my mentor and I brainstormed ideas for a project that they could work on. One of the ideas was to have the students make a passport. They would put a picture of themselves inside along with all their personal info so it could be like an authentic passport. With this the students would pretend like they visited the major cities in the Original Thirteen Colonies, they were cities like Boston, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Charleston. For each city they, "visited," they would write down some facts about each city and talk about some events that were going on  in the city during the Revolutionary War. At the end once they were done filling out all the information about each city they would receive a stamp of approval so it seemed liked they actually visited that city. It was a really fun project to design and a lot of the students really enjoyed it. Below is a picture of Walnut Grove Intermediate, the school I am doing my mentorship at.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Blog 6-Second Interview Preparation

1. My mentor is Britt Linke, she is an 8th Grade Honors History Teacher at Walnut Grove Intermediate School in West Covina, CA.

2. The five questions I am going to ask are, "Where did you receive your education from?" "What degrees do you have?" "How long have you been teaching?" "What makes you different from other people in your field?" "Do you consider yourself an expert in your field. If so, why?"

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blog 5-Mentorship and Research Reflection

1. My experience in finding my mentor was rather easy. I emailed my former History teacher at Walnut Grove Intermediate School in West Covina if she would like to be my mentor for my Senior Project. She said yes and I got on with doing my mentorship. The only slight problem is that since she is a teacher I only have a window of about 2 hrs per day for the week, but I've been managing and have been working with my mentor at least 2 days a week.

2.I have to say the most important article I have read so far was an article called, "Engaging Students in Learning History," by Prof. John Fielding(Retired, 2002) from Queen's University in Canada. He is a very knowledgeable man and gave many helpful tips on how to engage your students in learning history. Some of these included Watching Films, Field Trips, Debates, and Tableaux. He stated that these are some of the most effective strategies to engage and have fun with your students while also learning History. No doubt, this has been my most important article so far for my Senior Project.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Research Source

Since my Senior topic is on, "Teaching History" it is actually a bit hard to find research and articles on the topic. Most of what i find while digging through books and articles are either sources about, "History" or sources about, "Teaching," never both. Ive only been able to find a few articles that focus on, "Teaching History." However, while searching the bookstore on my Amazon Kindle I was able to find a book that will surely help me with my Senior Project. Its called, "Teaching What Really Happened, How to avoid the Tyranny of Textbooks & Get Students Excited About Doing History," by James W. Loewen. This book will surely help because the reason why I chose to do "Teaching History," for my Senior Project because History is my absolute favorite subject in school and I feel that students nowadays find History to be boring and not really as an important subject in school. I want to prove to people that History can be exciting and is actually important to one's education.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blog 4: Interview Preperation

1. I plan to interview my mentor Britt Linke. She is a History Teacher at Walnut Grove Intermediate School and has been teaching for almost 10 years. As my topic is focused on "Teaching History," she is a reliable choice to interview.

2. Some additional questions I am going to ask are, "Why did you decide to become a History teacher, and were there any influences that inspired you to pursue this career?." "How do you engage your students to learn a subject such as History." "Do you believe History is an important school subject to learn in school, and Why?"

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Working EQ

1. For my Senior Project my topic is going to be, "Teaching History."
2. The question I chose to help focus my research this month will be, "Why is it important to learn and study history, especially when it is often overlooked?"
3. My WB(Working Bibliography) is located on the right.

Summer Mentorship Component

1. My Mentorship log is right here
2. My Mentorship was with Britt Linke at Walnut Grove Intermediate School: (626) 919-7018
3. Some questions that were raised during my summer mentorship were, "How do you get your students interested and excited about learning history everyday?" and "Whats the best way to motivate your students into coming to school?" It really saddens me that some students don't see the educational value that history class offers. History was and still is one of my favorite subjects in school, but to here one of the student's flat out say to my mentor, "I don't want to be in this class. History is boring." This really saddens me and I hope that one day that student will take back what he said about learning history.
4. The most important thing I gained from this experience was the amount of patience and dedication teachers have to give to teach their students. It can really get stressful at times, and I respect all the hard work they put in.
5. My senior topic is going to be, "Teaching History Class." My mentorship really helped solidify this idea because a lot of students don't view history class as essential to one's education as compared to subjects like Math, English, and Science. It is a subject that is often overlooked and I aim to change that misbelief and teach people that History is just as important as say Math or English to your education.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Senior Blog #1

1.  What presentations did you see?
-Some of my favorite presentations I saw were Dressage, Clinical Pharmacy, Brazilian Jui-Jitsu, and Counseling. 
2.   What questions do you have that haven't been answered about the senior project? This can be about the senior project in general, any components or about a presentation topic you saw or what they said.  

-Can we really actually do it on any topic we want? What are the components we do that lead up to the Presentation?3. What has the most important part of the senior project based on what you are seeing in the 2-hour presentations?
-To me, the 30 minutes of speaking seems like the most important part, especially the EQ.4. What topic are you considering doing and why?
-I am considering doing my senior project on either something in Pharmacy, Criminology, or maybe even something entirely different that I don't know a lot about.5. What are you doing for your summer mentorship?
- For Pharmacy I can do my mentorship at a local clinic. And for Crimonology I can get my mentorship from a professor at Cal Poly, I'm not exactly sure what I want to do.