Thursday, August 21, 2014

Summer Mentorship Component

1. My Mentorship log is right here
2. My Mentorship was with Britt Linke at Walnut Grove Intermediate School: (626) 919-7018
3. Some questions that were raised during my summer mentorship were, "How do you get your students interested and excited about learning history everyday?" and "Whats the best way to motivate your students into coming to school?" It really saddens me that some students don't see the educational value that history class offers. History was and still is one of my favorite subjects in school, but to here one of the student's flat out say to my mentor, "I don't want to be in this class. History is boring." This really saddens me and I hope that one day that student will take back what he said about learning history.
4. The most important thing I gained from this experience was the amount of patience and dedication teachers have to give to teach their students. It can really get stressful at times, and I respect all the hard work they put in.
5. My senior topic is going to be, "Teaching History Class." My mentorship really helped solidify this idea because a lot of students don't view history class as essential to one's education as compared to subjects like Math, English, and Science. It is a subject that is often overlooked and I aim to change that misbelief and teach people that History is just as important as say Math or English to your education.

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